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Driven Grouse Shooting Season In Scotland and England

Scotland Date From Date To
Grouse 12th August 10th December


Who has not dreamed of standing in a Grouse butt, waiting for coveys of birds skimming like miniature brown missiles over the horizon? Driven Grouse shooting is definitely the most exciting sport that UK shooting and hunting can offer and we have some of the most stunning estates within our portfolio both in Scotland and England that we can offer you.

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Walked Up Grouse Shooting In Scotland

If your dream is hunting this totally wild ‘King of Game Birds’ over pointers or spaniels – Scotland is the most scenic place in the world to experience it and HRW are the people to help you.

Surrounded by Augusts’ purple heather, a Grouse moor is a uniquely beautiful and romantic place to be. The place for what some argue is simply the most exciting and challenging sport in the world. Normally we have many walked up days available for between 2-6 guns so please Contact us with your requirements with specific date and location requirements.


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Key Information

Prices on application

Can a Shotgun be provided



Generally we organise accommodation for your stay at whatever level you prefer from self catering to 5*.


Ammunition supplied subject to availability

Suggested Calibre

Personal preference

Permits Required

All required permits arranged at time of booking.

Nearest Airport

Dependant on location of shoot.

Flights & Bringing own Firearms

Please consult with Hendry, Ramsay & Waters at time of booking for up to date airline carriers that allow firearms to be transported.


Scotland’s Premier Sporting Agency

Our Locations